WHAT IS BAIL? Bail, also known as bond, is the...


Bail, also known as bond, is the money, property, or signature given to assure that a person charged with a crime (defendant) will appear in court for trial. Under the Connecticut constitution, bond must be set in all cases except when the defendant is charged with a capital felony (death penalty cases). There are two kinds of bonds:

Non-financial bonds: 1.) Defendant’s signature alone guarantees the amount of bond. The defendant is not required to post any property or retain the services of a professional bail bondsperson as collateral. 2.) Promise to Appear
Surety bond: The court requires cash, real estate, or a professional bondsperson’s signature as collateral before releasing the defendant back into the community. The court may allow the defendant to post ten percent of the bond in cash to secure his or her release.

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from GMB Posts For Location "Connecticut Bail Bonds Group" https://ift.tt/390mRnv


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