What Constitutes A Failure To Appear https://ww...

What Constitutes A Failure To Appear

You’ve been arrested, but you and your loved ones were able to secure an affordable bail bond through a trusted agent; what happens now? Right now, it’s your sole responsibility to stay out of trouble and to make sure that you have the ability to appear in court on the day that has been specified for your hearing. You will also be working with an attorney to make sure that your rights are being upheld and that your case has a solid foundation. But that doesn’t mean that something might not come up in your life that interferes with this preordained date. What should you do if you are worried that you might not make your court date? First, you should always contact your attorney and the courts. In some cases, your date may be changed to one more suitable. However, you need to make sure that you keep an open line of communication and that you adhere to the ultimate decisions of the courts. Not stating your intent to miss a court date will get you a failure to appear charge. And just because you think that you have a good reason to not be there doesn’t mean that a judge will agree. Concerned that you might be about to get a failure to appear? Talk to our bondsman today about your options, or call your attorney.

Connecticut Bail Bonds Group
11 Asylum St, Suite 512
Hartford, CT 06103, USA
(860) 420-2245

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