Connecticut Bail Bonds Group | Bail Vs. Bond | Bail Bonds Company Hartford | 860-420-2245

Connecticut Bail Bonds Group
11 Asylum St, Suite 512
Hartford, CT 06103
(860) 420-2245


Bail vs. Bond: What’s the Difference?

In our everyday language, we tend to use the words “bail” and “bond” interchangeably. The two terms are very similar and generally, people will understand what you are trying to say if you use either one. However, legally speaking, these two words refer to slightly different things. If you are going through the bail process, it will be beneficial for you to understand the ways in which these terms are similar and different.

The terms “bond” and “bail” refer to the same action – a defendant being released from the custody of the court while he or she awaits trials/court hearings. You can be bailed out of jail or bonded out of jail. In both cases, you will be released. However, these terms are different when considering the way that the defendant pays to be released from jail.

What is Bail?

  • If you are bailed out of jail, it means that you paid the bail yourself.
  • Bail is paid in cash only.
  • It is the payment that you make to the court.
  • It is also a secured form of payment.


What is a Bond?

  • If you are bonded out of jail, it means that you were unable to pay on your own and had a cosigner or Hartford bail bondsman pay to have you released from jail.
  • Being bonded out of jail means that you hired someone or had someone else pay to have you released from jail.
  • A bond is the Hartford Bail Bonds Agent or cosigner’s pledge to pay the bail if you do not appear in court at the appointed time.
  • In the event of a bond, a third party will pay the money and also be responsible for making sure that you appear for your court date.
  • The deposit made on a bond is not refundable, and bonds are considered unsecured forms of payment.


A common misconception is that a bond itself is a form of money. In actuality, the bond is just a legal document sent to the court by a Hartford Bail Bonds Company promising that the defendant will show up to his or her court date. If this does not occur, then the bail bondsman Hartford will be responsible for making a payment to the court.

 While the terms “bail” and “bond” are very similar, they are technically different, and knowing this difference can help you if you are going through the bail bond process. If you find that you cannot pay for bail yourself, it is in your best interest to hire Hartford Bail Bonds Service provider to put up a bond so that you can be released from the custody of the court.


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